As the mail and bills come in, piles of paper have a tendency to pile up when they aren't filed or thrown out quickly. A filing system that works for you is an important part of keeping the piles at bay. Try a few of these tips.
File by month rather than account or topic. Statements that come monthly generally can be filed by the month and then tossed after two years. Most statements, such as utilities, don't need their own files. Too many files makes things complicated
Keep only the most recent copy of insurance policies and similar documents that only the most recent copy is valid. Once the old document is expired it can be tossed.
Keep labels and categories simple. Choose broader categories unless the file becomes too large. It is easier to fine a file on car care rather than files for oil changes, maintenance, tires and others.
Choose labels that mean something to you and group items depending on how you think of them. Is an oil change a regular bill to you or car maintenance? File it with the category that make the most sense to you, then give it a label you will remember.
Happy filing! If you need help getting started or setting up a system call 740-334-1928.
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